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Shrek 2

Paul Martin, Wednesday 19 May 2004

What a great sequel to a great movie. The characters were great, the story was great, and the plot moved along quickly. Although there wasn't really a villain that you could say was the mastermind behind everything at first, like Farquad in the first film, it did have a very good villain, as soon as you get the information you need on whom the enemy is, it is really cleverly done. There are some shocking twists and turns, and many great jokes al throughout. So far, it's one of the best films I've seen this year. It didn't lack much, although it could have used a Princess Bride joke reference. Missed opportunity there, with the characters and the settings of this film. Hopefully there is a possibility in the third one for that. Like the first one, the characters have their quiet moments that add heart to the story and make it more than just 2 Dimensional characters on the screen. It's got heart and soul. The direction and the music were great, although the pop music soundtrack always kinda gets to me at first, it's easy to get used to. The score is exceptional, with new motifs on the old score, and new themes for new characters.


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